Business Planning

Business Planning

Working with a planning consultant and a team of planning specialists we work directly with our clients to develop a business plan that will help them to achieve planning consent and identify their options for the business going forward. A number of our clients have been start-ups, others have been businesses looking to expand or diversify.
Our business plans have a number of focuses, first we identify the strategic position of the sector nationally, regionally and locally, then we create the business model, pricing structure and at times an options appraisal, finally we identify the marketing mix and how to target the customer.  We include a 3-5 year financial and cashflow forecast in the appendix to support our assumptions. 

Who we work with

We have been working with an increasing number of superhouses with the changing trend in visitors requirement's. In Derbyshire we developed a business plan to help a client achieve planning permission to change use from a stable block to 3 self-catering units accommodating 15 in the largest house, 7 in one section of the stables and a smaller unit for 4.  A similar piece of work was delivered in Herefordshire for a client, who had an already hugely successful superhouse for 14 which was achieving maximum capacity every weekend and was looking to replicate the house by converting a barn into another superhouse for 16 people, the business plan we wrote on this occasion not only supported his planning application but also his application for funding.
Business plans have not only been written to support accommodation, working with a planning consultant we have supported a young lady to expand her pizzeria business from a mobile unit to a farm shop and restaurant using and selling only the home grown produce from the farm, we looked at her growth opportunities, experiences she could create including field to fork experience and working with partners utilise the space on the farm to deliver yoga classes.  This has been along process especially as we worked through a planning appeal and had to rework the model a number of times to respond the planners comments. 

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What our clients say...

"Emma was a fantastic help when I was looking to expand my business. Not only did she help me with the planning and forecasting of increased sales, she also 'held my hand' when I bought a building at auction - a dream which has now become a reality. She helped me to achieve a Business Development Grant for £10,000 which has been very helpful with the renovation of the building, and moving my business into it. Without Emma, I simply would not have known about the grant, let alone, how to apply for it.

Emma has given me the confidence to continue to build my business and has offered huge amounts of genuine support. I am extremely grateful for her help and hope to stay in touch in the future."




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